Posted: 5 March 2020

As we’re fully into the swing of things in 2020 – a new year and a new decade – we spent five minutes talking to Sharon Stilgoe, our Client Services Director about all things learning at Ashorne Hill.

What does Ashorne Hill Learning Solutions do in 10 words or less?
We help organisations perform at their best by developing their people.

What is your favourite piece of management/ leadership advice?
John Quincy Adams 6thPresident said, “if your actions inspire others to dream more, do more, become more, you are a leader…”

Learning is one of the hallmarks of an inquiring mind, the active search for new knowledge and skills. It requires a willingness to move beyond familiar levels of understanding and being able to say, “I don’t know all there is to know. I have something to learn.” Leaders are continual learners, and their example of personal and professional growth can inspire others to do the same. Learning more also describes the leadership quality of having an open mind, genuinely believing that others’ viewpoints and ideas are of value, seeking input and honest feedback.

Here at Ashorne Hill we develop your people into tomorrow’s leaders, from graduates through to middle and senior managers. We help your talent become the future leaders by being curious, help them grow into their potential and thrive in the modern business arena. It’s a privilege and a rewarding role to be in…

What’s the most under-rated trend in Learning at the moment, in your opinion?
A focus on what we call ‘people skills’ or ‘soft skills’… really allowing people to understand and practice great communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving and creative innovation. With an intense focus on technical knowledge and ability to do a certain role, these skills can sometime be neglected by employers, but excellent soft skills can boost productivity, team harmony and employee engagement significantly when embedded within a great organisational culture.

In a year’s time, what do you think we’ll look back on and remember 2020 for in terms of leadership and management development?
We’re seeing a big move towards better emotional intelligence, being kind and leadership with an emotional connection. We’re all humans after all!


Sharon has spent over 15 years in the L&D arena, working across the UK, Europe and the US, helping organisations to implement learning solutions with a focus on early careers, and facilitating significant change management projects. She loves a good coffee and is always open to a collaborative approach, so if you want to discuss how we could support your team please get in touch at